Your Home: The Energy is Working FOR YOU ~ or against you!

Feng Shui Gifts from Marie Diamond of the hit movie, "The Secret"
I LOVE Marie Diamond because we share 2 passions ~ Law of Attraction and Feng Shui! She has some amazing gifts for you too on her new site:
You'll be able to calculate your Law of Attraction number, your archetype, and how to amp your manifesting power, based on those energies. So cool ~ she's right it will literally give you goosebumps.
I received an email from her this morning saying the response was absolutely overwhelming. (I know I did a tweet on Twitter about it). Anyway, many people had questions, feedback from manifestations using her info, and more so she's got a follow up video too.
How to Attract the Money, Relationships and Success You Are Looking For in 2010!
This is powerful information and so much fun to play with. Believe the title of this post. Feng Shui when utilized correctly changes your life swiftly. Again, Marie Diamond said it so well ~ the energy in your home (good or bad) is radiating 24/7/365.
...So, why not have it working for you? What a GREAT perpetual motion machine!
Enjoy the gifts, and here's to making 2010 The Very Best Year EVER!
To Our Massive Success and Bliss,
Amber Blissin' Out on Maui