3 Stages of Gratitude
Gratitude feels so good! I like the warm, fuzzy rush of it as it courses through my body.
I'm so grateful to Stacey Robyn of the Go Gratitude Experiment (from about 3 years ago), for turning me on to Gratitude, and the awesome symbol which keeps inpiring me!
Sure, I'd felt gratitude before in my life ~ but to really FOCUS on gratitude on a daily basis (let alone 42 in a row), was a whole new wonderful experience for me. ...One which opened portals of possibilities in my life.
The force of Gratitude is like raw power! In fact, Stacey calls it The Master Key ~ and I can certainly attest to Gratitude impacting my life in miraculous ways.
Here is the video which got me rolling on the Wave of Gratitude from the original 42 day Go Gratitude
Reflecting on the second round of Go Gratitude which just ended in November 2009 (and the great miracles which occurred in my life again!), I thought about all the different ways I've learned gratitude.
As I see it the First Stage is what our culture at large teaches; ask for what you want, receive it, and then express gratitude. Cool, it works when you receive what you were asking for.
Then I studied Shamanism and took things to the next level. I see this as the Second Stage: Ask (or intend) for what you want, Give Gratitude (knowing that your prayers have been heard and answered), and then Receive.
...an interesting twist to be sure after over 40 years of programming - but it ROCKED! This seemed 10 times more effective in manifesting my desires, than what I'd been taught before.
After obtaining more Spiritual Traditions under my belt, and the last wild year of my life, I GOT IT! The Third Stage of Gratitude revealed itself. For me, the ticket to instant manifestation is: Give Gratitude (always start with an attitude of gratitude), Ask, and then Receive. This works with lightening speed.
When I choose to manifest with gratitude first - the receiving comes so fast, that often I haven't even finished asking and it appears. Wow! Now, that's really cool.
Try it yourself ~ I think you'll be amazed at the results.
I'm so grateful to Stacey Robyn of the Go Gratitude Experiment (from about 3 years ago), for turning me on to Gratitude, and the awesome symbol which keeps inpiring me!
Sure, I'd felt gratitude before in my life ~ but to really FOCUS on gratitude on a daily basis (let alone 42 in a row), was a whole new wonderful experience for me. ...One which opened portals of possibilities in my life.
The force of Gratitude is like raw power! In fact, Stacey calls it The Master Key ~ and I can certainly attest to Gratitude impacting my life in miraculous ways.
Here is the video which got me rolling on the Wave of Gratitude from the original 42 day Go Gratitude
Reflecting on the second round of Go Gratitude which just ended in November 2009 (and the great miracles which occurred in my life again!), I thought about all the different ways I've learned gratitude.
There seems to be 3 steps in acquiring something:
As I see it the First Stage is what our culture at large teaches; ask for what you want, receive it, and then express gratitude. Cool, it works when you receive what you were asking for.
Then I studied Shamanism and took things to the next level. I see this as the Second Stage: Ask (or intend) for what you want, Give Gratitude (knowing that your prayers have been heard and answered), and then Receive.
...an interesting twist to be sure after over 40 years of programming - but it ROCKED! This seemed 10 times more effective in manifesting my desires, than what I'd been taught before.
After obtaining more Spiritual Traditions under my belt, and the last wild year of my life, I GOT IT! The Third Stage of Gratitude revealed itself. For me, the ticket to instant manifestation is: Give Gratitude (always start with an attitude of gratitude), Ask, and then Receive. This works with lightening speed.
When I choose to manifest with gratitude first - the receiving comes so fast, that often I haven't even finished asking and it appears. Wow! Now, that's really cool.
Try it yourself ~ I think you'll be amazed at the results.