2009 Ends on a Power Day!
Aloha from Beautiful Maui
The World Gratitude Gathering Meditation was so wonderfully powerful for me at 11:11 am Aloha Time. I will delve into another round of gratitude at 11:11 pm too ~ it feels so good!
The culmination of the 42-day World Gratitude Gathering is today ~ and how fitting...the last day of 2009. As an amateur astronomer, I LOVE that this occurs on a Full Moon & it's a BLUE MOON (when full moon occurs twice in one month), and a Partial Lunar Eclipse.
On the Mayan Calendar which I follow, today is a White Rhythmic Wind guided by Spirit. These are some dynamically powerful energies and I love the wave of gratitude which the Gathering has created literally around the world.
Here are words from an email from the Co-Founder, Stacey Robyn: "Just for today:
In the spirit of celebration, let's use a simple meditation to clear the mind, synchronize with the galactic heart, and calibrate our being-ness to resonate with Love and Gratitude. As you do, remember you are being joined by multitudes of others, amplifying the energetic
transmissions by creating coherence, first between the heart and mind, then within our collective consciousness.
As this happens, a shift takes place, stretching our previously created reality into a (k)new state of being - one resonating at the level of Love and Gratitude.
Now here comes the exciting part! We are currently experiencing a trinity of support for manifesting intentions.
Divine timing, indeed!
Also, as we've been gathering for a concentrated period of time, our collective power is highly focused, and a "gateway" is Now open to accelerate delivery of intended manifestations.
So, today we're celebrating the magic, miracles and synchronistic events that merge ME to WE, us to Now, by simply allowing ourselves the time and space to immerse our
consciousness in a flood of Love and Gratitude.
This form of conscious creation, as silent prayer or affirmation, is powerful, effective, and universally connective!
Now, in order to create a physical world wide wave of Love and Gratitude, we will be gathering at 11:11 AM and 11:11 PM for a silent meditation.
Just imagine, as hearts and minds worldwide gather to give thanks simultaneously, our wave will flow at the speed of Love, encircling Mother Earth, while synchronizing our efforts in natural time.
To In-Joy this celebration simply focus on a memory where you experienced a sincere feeling of Gratitude.
Hold this memory in your heart, allowing the body and mind to be guided by Love. Now simply breathe in thanks and release appreciation. Following the breath will release any distractions, returning you to the center of Gratitude, the core of NOW ... the Heart of YOU.
Go Gratitude!
Perhaps commitments require your presence elsewhere at 11:11? As so, let go of any attachment to time and simply visualize the world bathed in a wave of Love and Gratitude
where ever, when ever you feel inspired to do so. Feel this presence, essence and Light connecting with the heartlight at the center of you.
Tap into the feeling of Gratitude ~ the Great*Full*ness. Breathe into your heart, receiving the gift of the Present and releasing Peace-full appreciation.
Rejoice! You are present and accounted for!"
I am grateful for all the miracles which have occurred this year ~ and most of all I am grateful for YOU.
Wishing YOU and yours a year filled with wonder!
~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui
The World Gratitude Gathering Meditation was so wonderfully powerful for me at 11:11 am Aloha Time. I will delve into another round of gratitude at 11:11 pm too ~ it feels so good!
The culmination of the 42-day World Gratitude Gathering is today ~ and how fitting...the last day of 2009. As an amateur astronomer, I LOVE that this occurs on a Full Moon & it's a BLUE MOON (when full moon occurs twice in one month), and a Partial Lunar Eclipse.
On the Mayan Calendar which I follow, today is a White Rhythmic Wind guided by Spirit. These are some dynamically powerful energies and I love the wave of gratitude which the Gathering has created literally around the world.
Here are words from an email from the Co-Founder, Stacey Robyn: "Just for today:
In the spirit of celebration, let's use a simple meditation to clear the mind, synchronize with the galactic heart, and calibrate our being-ness to resonate with Love and Gratitude. As you do, remember you are being joined by multitudes of others, amplifying the energetic
transmissions by creating coherence, first between the heart and mind, then within our collective consciousness.
As this happens, a shift takes place, stretching our previously created reality into a (k)new state of being - one resonating at the level of Love and Gratitude.
Now here comes the exciting part! We are currently experiencing a trinity of support for manifesting intentions.
Consider the present alignment of events:
1) Today is our 42ND Day of World Gratitude
2) We are celebrating under a Blue Moon - the second
full moon in a month, and a partial lunar eclipse
3) We are completing 2009 - ready to begin a
(k)new year!!
1) Today is our 42ND Day of World Gratitude
2) We are celebrating under a Blue Moon - the second
full moon in a month, and a partial lunar eclipse
3) We are completing 2009 - ready to begin a
(k)new year!!
Also, as we've been gathering for a concentrated period of time, our collective power is highly focused, and a "gateway" is Now open to accelerate delivery of intended manifestations.
So, today we're celebrating the magic, miracles and synchronistic events that merge ME to WE, us to Now, by simply allowing ourselves the time and space to immerse our
consciousness in a flood of Love and Gratitude.
This form of conscious creation, as silent prayer or affirmation, is powerful, effective, and universally connective!
Now, in order to create a physical world wide wave of Love and Gratitude, we will be gathering at 11:11 AM and 11:11 PM for a silent meditation.
Just imagine, as hearts and minds worldwide gather to give thanks simultaneously, our wave will flow at the speed of Love, encircling Mother Earth, while synchronizing our efforts in natural time.
To In-Joy this celebration simply focus on a memory where you experienced a sincere feeling of Gratitude.
Hold this memory in your heart, allowing the body and mind to be guided by Love. Now simply breathe in thanks and release appreciation. Following the breath will release any distractions, returning you to the center of Gratitude, the core of NOW ... the Heart of YOU.
Go Gratitude!
Perhaps commitments require your presence elsewhere at 11:11? As so, let go of any attachment to time and simply visualize the world bathed in a wave of Love and Gratitude
where ever, when ever you feel inspired to do so. Feel this presence, essence and Light connecting with the heartlight at the center of you.
Tap into the feeling of Gratitude ~ the Great*Full*ness. Breathe into your heart, receiving the gift of the Present and releasing Peace-full appreciation.
Rejoice! You are present and accounted for!"
I am grateful for all the miracles which have occurred this year ~ and most of all I am grateful for YOU.
Wishing YOU and yours a year filled with wonder!
~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui