
Showing posts from 2010

The 11th Day of 11:11 PM Meditations ~ Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Wow!   It seems like only a blink ago that I received an email about the intention for one hundred thousand people to meditate together for 11 days for 11 minutes at 11:11 PM Eastern Time. "Happy 11/11/10 my friends!! In less than 12 hours over 100,000 people from all over the world will be sending their love, light and positive intentions into the universe in an effort to reharmonize the world-wide energy streams to affect positive change for a brighter future. This positive transmission of information will take place as follows: Meditation tonight (11.11. 2010) at 11:11pm EST (please google timezone converter and find out how it translates for you) for 11 minutes (go in the quietude, let go, connect with the primal source). We want to have as many people doing it at the exact same time so that we can magnify the effects of this energy going out into the universe. However, if you cannot participate at the exact time, any positive energy you can emmit at your own designated tim...

Happy GOOD AS GOLD Aloha Friday

click pic to get in on the Gold Rush! Aloha!  What a wonderful Happy Aloha Friday this is for me.  The New Golden Age of Enlightenment is swiftly advancing and I'm delighted that as I was focusing on that concept and the New Paradigm of Wealth, a way to procure gold literally appeared in my life.  Cool, huh? Gold is ALWAYS a good long term investment.  When I was a stockbroker, I ALWAYS advised my clients to have a portion of their assets in gold.  It is inflation proof in that what you could buy in 1920 with one ounce of gold ($20), you can still buy with one ounce of gold (approx $1300 NOW)!   I'm excited because I've found a way to earn gold, money or both ~ and receive bonuses of gold for my purchases of 1 oz. American Gold Eagle coins.  The beauty of all this - gold is on the rise and headed to $2000 or higher.  YUMMY! I'm delighted to have found My Gold Rush USA and have an awesome YouTube video that you've just gotta check ...

Get YOUR Bank Loan Rebate NOW!

Aloha I am a proud member of a Private Membership Organization that has been working diligently for 6 years to crack the "Financial Code".  They have succeeded! I am using an Administrative Remedy (claim) to receive awards on my  mortgages, credit cards, auto and student loans, and IRS payments too. As you may know by now, all 50 State Attorney Generals have been and are launching investigations into the bank's loan practices. What does all this mean to you? Due to the banks fraudulent nature over the years, you and your friends may be entitled to multiple awards of $100,000 to $1,000,000 through our Private Club.   Would $100,000 help you and your loved ones now? ==>  Click here to begin your journey to financial freedom! The Club has implemented a "Bonus Buddy" program based on the "Pay it Forward" principle from the Helen Hunt movie by the same name.  You may select a "Bonus Buddy" for each claim you su...

Happy Aloha Friday Afterglow!

It was another wonderful Happy Aloha Friday in Paradise!  I've been working with the World Gratitude Gathering for the past 39 days and am always amazed at the myriad blessings that are attracted into my life as a result of focusing on gratitude with the synergy of other like-minded people.  Exponential blessings rock the Planet! ...And what an exciting time it is from a Galactic Perspective.  More coming on that soon, connect to this blog and the 12-22-2012blog site .  Stay tuned... Lotsa Love and Gratitude, Amber Blissin' Out

YOU Are The One You've Been Waiting For...

Aloha & Happy Full Moon! Here is a GREAT piece from today's Daily Om that I'd love to share with all of you. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You Are the One You Are Waiting For Turn to Yourself The outer world serves as a mirror and our inner world has a magnetic force that draws to us what we need to evolve. We spend a lot of our lives looking for role models, mentors, teachers, and gurus to guide us on our path. There is nothing wrong with this and, in fact, finding the right person at the right time can really help. However, it is important to realize that in the absence of such a figure, we can very safely rely upon ourselves. We carry within us everything we need to know to make progress on our paths to self-realization. The outer world serves as a mirror. Or to use another metaphor, our inner world has a magnetic force that draws to us what we need to evolve to the next level. All we need to do to see that we already have everything we need is to let go of ou...

Bob Proctor's message for YOU!

Aloha! Time and time again I hear from good people who are  fed up, frustrated, and just plain discouraged about their  ability to reliably manifest what they want in life. Do you ever feel like that? If so, you're not alone. And even if you've gotten your brain wrapped around the concept of the Law of Attraction and are whole-hearted in your manifesting efforts--you still may have the nagging feeling you're not quite hitting with all cylinders. That's why I'd suggest you take a few minutes to watch this... How To Multiply Your Manifesting Power For one thing, you'll hear from none other than Bob Proctor--one of the key people from The Secret. Bob has been at this a long time--decades in fact--and he's pretty much got the whole visualization thing dialed in. One of the things Bob talks about are some of the most common misconceptions about visualization, and boy can I relate. I remember when I first began exploring ...

The Conscious Convergence ~ Catch the Wave!

July 17th & 18th, 2010 Aloha Beloveds! The Conscious Convergence is happening this weekend, with Ceremonies and Celebrations around the world.  As a follower of the Mayan Calendar for over 8 years, it is exciting to see the massive synergy of people gathering to set the intention for this powerful awakening of humanity ~ as we move collectively toward Ascension. Author and researcher of Mayan calendrical systems, Carl Johann Calleman, and founder of  Common Passion, Joseph Giove, are leading the global call for citizens to recognize the transformational power of our times and join the Conscious Convergence Celebration, July 17-18, 2010.  Common Passion is a non-profit organization of people and organizations from all social spheres and faith traditions that share compassion as a common value. Common Passion’s stated aim is to create social and environmental harmony through science-based applications of collective consciousness. See this awesome interview wit...

Exclusive Release of Meditation #2

Aloha from Beautiful Maui! I'm so excited about the opportunity to share Meditation #2 with the world via internet.  Kelan Phil Cohran, one of my Spiritual Teachers, has given me the nod of approval, and sole rights to distribute this amazing compilation of sound - which is a Shamanic Journey, and powerful vibrational healing. Brother Kelan composed this healing meditation in the early 60's; and has over 500 compositions to his credit.  In addition to being a Composer, he is a Master Musician, Multi-instrumentalist, Astronomer, Scholar, Astrologer, Shaman, Musicologist, Educator, Speaker, Health Advocate, Chemist and so much more.  It is easy to see from a list like that, how he has achieved such awards as Epic Man of the Twentieth Century , which places him with such notables as Stevie Wonder. Meditation #2 is from his private stock collection, and I am blessed to have had access to it for over ten years now.  Two things led me to phone him and ask permissio...

Let's Clean up the Gulf with our Group Intention!

Aloha from the Beautiful Island of Maui Happy Aloha Friday! I had the great blessing to be on a LIVE call this past Monday with Joe Vitale and Pat O'Bryan .  They mentioned that they were in the process of working up a FREEEEEE download of music to heal the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis.  Way Cool! Here's the link to download the Clear the Gulf Audio.   There are 3 choices to download: affirmations (with Joe Vitale reading the healing affirmations), subliminal version, and music only.  This awesome 15 minute audio is both Beautiful and Powerful! Together we CAN make a difference ~ so, let's clean up the Gulf with our group intention.  Infinite Thanks to Pat O'Bryan and Joe Vitale for having the vision and for taking inspired action! For those interested, here are the Affirmations by Joe. Joe Vitale's Clear the Gulf Affirmations The Ocean is at peace I am at peace The waters are clearing and clean The Divine is healing the ocean I let ...

POWER PACKED DAY ~ Pacal Votan and Yellow Sun

HAPPY PACAL VOTAN DAY! As a follower of the Mayan Calendar, I consider Pacal Votan Days as High Holy Days.  There are only 13 a year, and they have amazing energy. Here's a bit of info on Pacal Votan from the 13 Moon Calendar: PACAL VOTAN DAYS  THE 13 CLEAR SIGNS OF PACAL VOTAN “There are 13 specific dates/energies which were carved into the ancient tomb of Prophet Pacal Votan, the Chief Time Engineer of the Classic Mayan era - Sage-King of the Yucatec base.  "These dates recorded auspicious occurrences during his lifetime, 603-683 AD, as well as auspicious occurrences to unfold in our current day.  We are reminded that the 260 kin [days] serve as memory storage units, granting us the ability to access or seed information.  When the daily calendar lines up with one of these 13 codes, tune in to the special magic of these signs and see what you can decode of their relevance, whether personal or planetary.” ~ 13 Moon Natural Calendar This particular...

Another Happy Aloha Friday!

  Happy Aloha Friday... I love this picture showing my blooming orchids!  So many wild things have happened to me since my last post ~ and it feels wonderful to be healing and blooming like my juggled about orchids (which have been moving in pots). I would like to extend my deepest Love and Gratitude to the following Spirit Sisters for providing me the tools to stay afloat: ~ Marie Diamond (for the awesome 2012 series and Easter Meditations), and ~ Stacey Robyn from the World Gratitude Gathering.  Mahalo Nui Loa! On the Mayan Calendar which I follow, today is the beginning of a new 260 day Galactic Spin.  ...A sort of New Year ~ and the symbols of powerful growth and change are present in my life (as evidenced by the blooming orchids, and a yard full of new baby chicks). Here are some words from Skytime about this dynamic day and 13 day wavespell   (Red Magnetic Dragon guided by Birth): "Red Dragon represents the beginning; the primal source; the mo...

Happy Aloha Friday ~ Let's Get This Party Started!

Aloha from Maui WOW!  I am having "Happy Aloha Friday" afterglow/hangover.  What a great day it was too.. Any day that begins with roses is a good one and cause for celebration.  After all that is what my personal Aloha Friday Ceremony is all about - Celebration!  ...A time to celebrate yourself and all the gifts of life. The music to this week's parade of gifts is by Hypnotic Brass Ensemble and is entitled Party Started (being performed LIVE in Milan, Italy).  The song is great, and the band is exciting.  They are taking Europe and Japan by storm.  Check out their website at: Enjoy yesterday's YouTube and Let's Get This Party Started! ~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui p.s. I have a gift for YOU - download the entire song here.

The Secret Women's Teachings Revealed!

  Aloha from the Beautiful Island of Maui! I have been blessed to receive Women's Teachings which have been held in secret for over 2500 years ~ and are NOW ready to be released to the public.  Consider this a "sneak preview" of coming attractions. The Twelve Imaginings of the GRANDMOTHER MATRIARCHS Goddess Beauty  Imagination Wheel 1.   I imagine that women and men are equal. 2.   I imagine that life is challenge and giving to experience life and balance. 3.   I imagine that sex is natural, sacred and beautiful. 4.   I imagine that all humans are born to like to learn and grow. 5.   I imagine that I can live my life, question my experience and change my existence. 6.   I imagine that I can help change conditions of my world and my personal circumstances. 7.   I imagine that I can listen to creation directly and I need no interpreter. 8.   I imagine that I can be myself even in those times when I am pained by others. 9. ...

Another Happy Aloha Friday

  HAPPY ALOHA FRIDAY! It's been a while since the last fact, last Aloha Friday. This past week blew by so fast it feels like a blur. No YouTube this week, but the picture above is part of the personal Aloha Friday Celebration Ceremony that I've created. This is just soooooooo much fun! And after all, why not celebrate yourself?  ~ YOU DESERVE IT. Open the door to receiving by giving to yourself first. To quote that old commercial, "Try it, you'll like it." Amber Blissin' Out on Maui p.s. Be sure to check out my 2012 blog .

Happy Aloha Friday! ~ 1-29-2010

from Beautiful Maui, Hawaii... Enjoy my YouTube about it made early this morning, well early Aloha Time. I have just celebrated my 3 Year Anniversary on Maui this week ~ January 27th.  Wow the time really flew, but time has it's own rhythm on Maui!  Celebration is the keyword today too - I'm celebrating Aloha Friday again! (I seem to do a lot of these posts on Fridays.) I've been told that many Hawaiian companies often celebrate Aloha Friday afternoons with Bar-B-Q, beverages and music for employees. Sweet ...and soooo Hawaiian! Hawaiians LOVE good food (grinds is the Hawaiian term) and lots of it, music, "talking story" with one another; and a sense of Ohana (family in Hawaiian). They truly embody the Aloha Spirit!  For me, it is Paradise. I'll also bet that "dress down" Friday workdays on the mainland were in part inspired by Hawaiian Aloha Friday. C'mon can't you just see the suit and tie guys in Hawaiian Shirts, inspired by a ...

How Watching A Movie Can Make You Rich & Happy

Happy Aloha Friday! This is My Mind Movie from YouTube! Great News from the Mind Movies Team! Have you been bombarded with emails recently talking about how to prepare for the new decade? ...Saying that NOW is the time to reconnect with your passions, ambitions and set new goals for the next 10 years? Well that's often easier said than done! Especially throwing into the equation that the economic climate of the past year challenged many of us... So this is why I'm VERY pleased with the exciting email I just received from Ryan at Mind Movies... ..He told me about this INCREDIBLE Recession Buster Sale that he and the Mind Movies team have came up with to help you bust through the recession and conquer every single goal you've set out for yourself... And when I say sale, I mean a full blown sale... that you will probably find absolutely irresistible! You see Ryan has decided to give you their entire online version of the Mind Movies Creation Kit fo...

A Hopi Elder Speaks

I re-found this piece which had been posted on one of my "old websites".  I loved it then and I love it even more now! A Hopi Elder Speaks "You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
  Now you must go back and tell the people that this IS the Hour.  
And there are things to be considered: Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your Truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader. Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!" There is a river flowing now very fast.  It is so great and swift that there will be those who are afraid.  They will try to hold on to the shore.  They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has it's destination. The elders say that we mu...

Grab my Fave Mayan Calendar for yourself NOW!!

Aloha from Maui in 2010! Wow ~ we're already four days into the New Year! (Gregorian).  I can see that the time speedup that we have been on is continuing.  lol One of the things which has kept me busy, busy, busy this past week (in addition to Holiday Blissin' Out), was building a new site for, and setting up accounts to handle sales for my Favorite Mayan Calendar, ...and other goodies I'll be offering this year. To call this a mere calendar is definitely an understatement.  This full color gem details the entire year (13 moons), as well as MAJOR INFO on the Mayan Calendar and how it works, instructions to calculate your Galactic Signature, POWER DAYS to plan ahead for, and artwork that will inspire you! The calendar change/addition was instrumental in impacting my life.  I've been on the calendar for 8 Gregorian years now and it's phenomenal for my personal and planetary energy alignment.  It's great to be back on natural time aga...