The Conscious Convergence ~ Catch the Wave!
July 17th & 18th, 2010
Aloha Beloveds!
The Conscious Convergence is happening this weekend, with Ceremonies and Celebrations around the world. As a follower of the Mayan Calendar for over 8 years, it is exciting to see the massive synergy of people gathering to set the intention for this powerful awakening of humanity ~ as we move collectively toward Ascension.
Author and researcher of Mayan calendrical systems, Carl Johann Calleman, and founder of Common Passion, Joseph Giove, are leading the global call for citizens to recognize the transformational power of our times and join the Conscious Convergence Celebration, July 17-18, 2010.
Common Passion is a non-profit organization of people and organizations from all social spheres and faith traditions that share compassion as a common value. Common Passion’s stated aim is to create social and environmental harmony through science-based applications of collective consciousness.
See this awesome interview with Carl Calleman!
There is no denial that the world is facing a growing number of tumultuous events. Yet, says Calleman: “Ancient prophecies do not speak of an end to the world, rather speak of a descent of cosmic forces or a wave of unity consciousness that brings about completion, or fulfillment of evolutionary forces that have been going on since the beginning of time, and have led to the world we see today.”
Giove leads an organization focused on social harmony. “It is a pivotal moment for our collective intention to shape a future where harmony and planetary peace is in the foreground of life. Those joining the celebrations are answering the clarion call to be active contributors in the creation of a new world. Who would miss catching that wave?”
The organizers plan a global webcast and are coordinating activities with various communities planning unique celebrations and events. The clearinghouse for all of these events is available at .
Check out the above link - there may be an event in your backyard as this is a global happening. I know there will be two events on Maui ~ my Pipe Ceremony and Medicine Wheel based on the Mayan 20 Count ~ and an awesome event in Haiku.
Surf's UP ~ Catch the Unity Wave!
July 17 & 18
~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui