The Secret Women's Teachings Revealed!


Aloha from the Beautiful Island of Maui!
I have been blessed to receive Women's Teachings which have been held in secret for over 2500 years ~ and are NOW ready to be released to the public.  Consider this a "sneak preview" of coming attractions.

The Twelve Imaginings of the

Goddess Beauty 
Imagination Wheel

1.  I imagine that women and men are equal.

2.  I imagine that life is challenge and giving to experience life and balance.

3.  I imagine that sex is natural, sacred and beautiful.

4.  I imagine that all humans are born to like to learn and grow.

5.  I imagine that I can live my life, question my experience and change my existence.

6.  I imagine that I can help change conditions of my world and my personal circumstances.

7.  I imagine that I can listen to creation directly and I need no interpreter.

8.  I imagine that I can be myself even in those times when I am pained by others.

9.  I imagine that I am my own authority and my own teacher.

10.  I imagine that all information must be questioned by me to learn.

11.  I imagine that I can be the kind teacher to my self.

12.  I imagine that I am a self-responsible human who will teach others to care for our sacred Mother Earth with Beauty.


I invite you to sit with these teachings.  See which, if any sing to your heart.  ...Imagine a world filled with people who imagined these things!  

I remember being so moved by these teachings when I first received them, that I took an imagining a month (Gregorian calendar), and really absorbed the meaning of that imagining into my life. 

What a powerful year of in-your-face realizations that was for me!  I mean...buckle up for safety stuff ~ but cool in retrospect.

We "seed groups" have been working with the knowledge for over a decade now ~ and holding the space for the collective.  I feel it's time to share and here's my own imagining...

I imagine that this knowledge is re-seeded through all time and space ~ and assists in the quantum evolutionary jump of consciousness of ALL humans.  

Aho, I have spoken!

Walk in Beauty,
Amber Lightfoot ~ Blissin' Out on Maui
