How Watching A Movie Can Make You Rich & Happy
Happy Aloha Friday!
This is My Mind Movie from YouTube!
Great News from the Mind Movies Team!
Have you been bombarded with emails recently talking
about how to prepare for the new decade?
...Saying that NOW is the time to reconnect with your
passions, ambitions and set new goals for the next 10 years?
Well that's often easier said than done! Especially throwing
into the equation that the economic climate of the past
year challenged many of us...
So this is why I'm VERY pleased with the exciting
email I just received from Ryan at Mind Movies...
..He told me about this INCREDIBLE Recession Buster
Sale that he and the Mind Movies team have came up
with to help you bust through the recession and conquer
every single goal you've set out for yourself...
And when I say sale, I mean a full blown sale... that you
will probably find absolutely irresistible!
You see Ryan has decided to give you their entire online
version of the Mind Movies Creation Kit for only...wait
for it...20bucks!
Yep, you heard right, 20bucks...PLUS he's throwing
in $1000 worth of additional bonuses!
Don't know what a Mind Movie is? Click here to find out
In case you haven't heard a Mind Movie is a short 3 minute
video or digital vision board which is a combination
present tense, positive affirmations, reinforced with
powerful photos and images and your most emotionally
inspiring music.
By watching your Mind Movie twice a day you stay
focused on your dreams and desires so that when you take
action in the direction of your goals not only will you be
taking inspired action but you have also enlisted the
universe to provide all the people, places and events
you need to make your action plan a success.
The Mind Movie Creation Kit provides you with
ALL the programs, templates and step by step
video tutorials so you can create your own Mind Movie.
So even if you are a complete computer novice you can
easily make your own powerful Mind Movie of your
most perfect life. you can be inspired and get started straight
away, Ryan is also including 6 PreMade Mind Movies on...
Wealth and improving your finances
Health and Weight loss
Closer Family relations
Spiritual Fulfillment and gratitude
Attracting the ideal man
Attracting the ideal woman
You can start watching these right NOW.
This honestly takes applying the Law of Attraction to
a whole new level.
The famous Mind Movies creation kit is normally sold
at $49... so Ryan is offering more than 60% OFF...
PLUS..You get the thousand dollars in additional
bonuses too.
bonuses too.
So...if you're determined to make 2010 your best year yet...
Grab your Mind Movie Creation kit for $20 plus $1000 in FREEbonuses Here
To Our Massive Success and Bliss,
Amber Lightfoot
P.S. This generous Recession Busting offer ends
very make sure you secure YOUR Mind
Movie creation kit NOW.
P.P.S. "Make Every Thought Pay You A Profit"
Here's my Mind Movie on YouTube
Check out my Blog: "Amber's Light"