
Showing posts from January, 2010

Happy Aloha Friday! ~ 1-29-2010

from Beautiful Maui, Hawaii... Enjoy my YouTube about it made early this morning, well early Aloha Time. I have just celebrated my 3 Year Anniversary on Maui this week ~ January 27th.  Wow the time really flew, but time has it's own rhythm on Maui!  Celebration is the keyword today too - I'm celebrating Aloha Friday again! (I seem to do a lot of these posts on Fridays.) I've been told that many Hawaiian companies often celebrate Aloha Friday afternoons with Bar-B-Q, beverages and music for employees. Sweet ...and soooo Hawaiian! Hawaiians LOVE good food (grinds is the Hawaiian term) and lots of it, music, "talking story" with one another; and a sense of Ohana (family in Hawaiian). They truly embody the Aloha Spirit!  For me, it is Paradise. I'll also bet that "dress down" Friday workdays on the mainland were in part inspired by Hawaiian Aloha Friday. C'mon can't you just see the suit and tie guys in Hawaiian Shirts, inspired by a ...

How Watching A Movie Can Make You Rich & Happy

Happy Aloha Friday! This is My Mind Movie from YouTube! Great News from the Mind Movies Team! Have you been bombarded with emails recently talking about how to prepare for the new decade? ...Saying that NOW is the time to reconnect with your passions, ambitions and set new goals for the next 10 years? Well that's often easier said than done! Especially throwing into the equation that the economic climate of the past year challenged many of us... So this is why I'm VERY pleased with the exciting email I just received from Ryan at Mind Movies... ..He told me about this INCREDIBLE Recession Buster Sale that he and the Mind Movies team have came up with to help you bust through the recession and conquer every single goal you've set out for yourself... And when I say sale, I mean a full blown sale... that you will probably find absolutely irresistible! You see Ryan has decided to give you their entire online version of the Mind Movies Creation Kit fo...

A Hopi Elder Speaks

I re-found this piece which had been posted on one of my "old websites".  I loved it then and I love it even more now! A Hopi Elder Speaks "You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
  Now you must go back and tell the people that this IS the Hour.  
And there are things to be considered: Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your Truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader. Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!" There is a river flowing now very fast.  It is so great and swift that there will be those who are afraid.  They will try to hold on to the shore.  They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has it's destination. The elders say that we mu...

Grab my Fave Mayan Calendar for yourself NOW!!

Aloha from Maui in 2010! Wow ~ we're already four days into the New Year! (Gregorian).  I can see that the time speedup that we have been on is continuing.  lol One of the things which has kept me busy, busy, busy this past week (in addition to Holiday Blissin' Out), was building a new site for, and setting up accounts to handle sales for my Favorite Mayan Calendar, ...and other goodies I'll be offering this year. To call this a mere calendar is definitely an understatement.  This full color gem details the entire year (13 moons), as well as MAJOR INFO on the Mayan Calendar and how it works, instructions to calculate your Galactic Signature, POWER DAYS to plan ahead for, and artwork that will inspire you! The calendar change/addition was instrumental in impacting my life.  I've been on the calendar for 8 Gregorian years now and it's phenomenal for my personal and planetary energy alignment.  It's great to be back on natural time aga...