International Woman's Day 2015 Rocked

thoughts from Sunday, March 8, 2015...

What an amazing day!  I awakened to the awareness that today, March 8th, 2015 is International Woman's Day when I went to logon to the internet.  My start-up page is Google and there was a cool graphic, which I clicked.

As I was thinking "Sweeeeeeeeeet!", I popped into my gmail account to see that there was an invitation from Evolving Wisdom for a free online global gathering to celebrate.  I was pumped…Dr. Jean Houston ad Marianne Williamson were being hosted by Claire Zammit.  It even had a cool name ~ Rising Women Rising World: Unleashing Our Voices, Values and Vision to Shape the Future.

Thank goodness Claire's email mentioned the change to Daylight Savings Time overnight.  I'm on the Beautiful Island of Maui where we don't change time.  Thankfully I'd only missed 6 minutes, and tuned in to what was one of the most profound experiences of my life!

Dr. Jean Houston literally rocked the planet!  I can hardly wait for the recording link to be released ~ she spoke for the Sisterhood in what I can only describe as our "Womanifesto for the New Paradigm; which I have been calling the Golden Age of Enlightenment.  She literally brought down the house, with 1500 of us LIVE from I think 90 countries.  AWESOME!

Marianne Williamson acknowledged Jean, saying she had a hard act to follow.  Well follow she did, and led us all to a higher space of delineating how to take this new energy into action, and advising of the pitfalls/backlash.  Both of these women have been my SHeros for years…and it was the most amazing blessing to share time, love and energy with them on this Sacred Day.

Claire powerfully, yet sweetly brought it all to a beautiful close with her sharing, guided meditation, and radiant love.  It was the most fabulous start to an amazing day I could have ever imagined.  EVEN BETTER ACTUALLY!     ; )

The timing for me was perfect, because I had just spent Saturday preparing for an online collaboration as I complete the book of the Ancient Women's Teachings, which have been held in secret for 5,000 years.  I was hoping for a sign that the collective is TRULY ready for this work at this time.  The call made it implicitly clear to me - Go for it!  Here's a sneak peak at the page I was creating for this series of gatherings…

…and then

I checked another email from Hay House, and found that I was being gifted an awesome video from Dr. Cristiane Northrup ~ What You Believe Changes Your Biology.  She has a new book out, I think, Goddesses Never Age.  The video is soooooooooooo worth the 16 minutes; she is an absolute inspiration.  The day just kept getting better and better.

I'm still all tingly…

Hope you enjoyed International Woman's Day nearly as much as I did.

If you'd like to tap into all this upcoming Beauty and Power ~ stay connected!  Send an email to and ask to be added to the mailing list for news and upcoming events.

Rising Women Rising World...

Sending Love and Light,
Amber Blissin' Out on Maui
