June Rocked the Planet!
June has flown by as a warm, fuzzy blur from my perspective! New Moon and the Partial Solar Eclipse on June 1st, kicked off the month with some dynamic and powerful energies.
Women's Ceremonial Sweat Lodge was awesome on the June 15th Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse; I'm delighted and honored to have poured the sweat, and that several teen sisters were in attendance, and rockin' it.
Full Moon energy and a sense of community were celebrated on 6/18/11 in another powerful Sweat Lodge. There was such Beauty, Power and Sweetness in that lodge… it makes my heart sing to think of it, and the fabulous cirlce of loving, supportive people.
Summer Solstice rocked only days later on June 21st, with Marie Diamond's teachings and Solstice Meditation links! Marie is the Feng Shui expert from the hit movie and book, The Secret. I LOVE Marie, and her meditations always rock the planet, and leave one feeling deeply empowered. Be sure to download the meditation and use it abundantly this summer. Here's the link ~
To download Marie's Solstice Teachings ~
On 6/24/11, I was blessed to catch a LIVE radio program hosted by Michael Bernard Beckwith (of movie and book, The Secret
fame) , with honored guest, the Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo. Dhyani is an international spiritual teacher, author and 27th generation holder of the Ancestral Ywahoo Lineage in the Cherokee Tradition. I'm tracking down a link for this profound interview and will keep you posted.
Saturday, 6/25/11 was the beginning of the 4th Day or 7th Heaven in Mayanist, Carl Calleman's model ~ Stacey Robyn of Go Gratitude, World Gratitude Gathering and Blooming Humans hosted an awesome call delineating personal and collective tools for navigating the powerful shift of paradigm we are experiencing. This call is filled with Beauty - go to the site and give it a listen. Here is the link for the call ~ http://bloominghumans.com/garden
Sunday, 6/26/11 rocked with a meditation by Eckhart Tolle. What a fabulous way to begin the day too. I LOVE Eckhart's energy and knack for making profoundly deep spiritual teachings beautifully simplistic and applicable to our daily lives. It was way cool to breathe into the Power of Now with him! You can too...check out the link to the video by 7/2/11.
I'm still reeling (in a good way), and pumping up the volume for the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on July 1st. I'm experiencing June 2011 afterglow...Supreme Bliss!
Lotsa Love and Gratitude,
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...