
Showing posts from 2011

June Rocked the Planet!

June has flown by as a warm, fuzzy blur from my perspective!  New Moon and the Partial Solar Eclipse on June 1st, kicked off the month with some dynamic and powerful energies. Women's Ceremonial Sweat Lodge was awesome on the June 15th Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse; I'm delighted and honored to have poured the sweat, and that several teen sisters were in attendance, and rockin' it. Full Moon energy and a sense of community were celebrated on 6/18/11 in another powerful Sweat Lodge.  There was such Beauty, Power and Sweetness in that lodge… it makes my heart sing to think of it, and the fabulous cirlce of loving, supportive people.   Summer Solstice rocked only days later on June 21st, with Marie Diamond's teachings and Solstice Meditation links!  Marie is the Feng Shui expert from the hit movie and book, The Secret.  I LOVE Marie, and her meditations always rock the planet, and leave one feeling deeply empowered.  Be sure to download the meditation ...

Sistah's Rule ~ Run the World (Girls)

HAPPY ALOHA FRIDAY! I love the rising of the Sisterhood.  It is time for us to remember who we are...and this anthem by Beyonce Just Tells It! Enjoy... Have a Bliss-filled Weekend...Play Hard. ~ Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...

See My New 2012 Facebook Page!

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands I'm so excited about creating the new Facebook Page for my 2012 blog ...check out the page and be sure to "Like" it. Click pic to go to Facebook's 12-22-2012 Blog! Time is speeding up so incredibly...I want to get up to the moment information to the collective about the amazing array of energies that we are all being exposed to, as we make the shift to the new Golden Age of Enlightenment.   It is refreshing to have incredibly valuable and validating information about 2012 proliferating NOW!  Be sure to stay tuned to the 12-22-2012 Blog on Facebook, and my site: Enjoy!

We are the power!

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands... I have just received two videos from Patricia Cota-Robles which are phenomenal!  She has called for the Lightworkers to awaken and take on a new task...that of conscious co-creation in regard to the current Earth Changes. NOW is the Time - Part 1 and the second video (with powerful invocations...) NOW is the Time! - Part 2 Enjoy these Beautiful videos - and if they sing to your heart, share them with other Lightworkers.  Together we CAN make a difference! NOW is the time... Lotsa Love and Gratitude, Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise

A Better World

Aloha and Happy Aloha Friday! I am delighted that a Facebook friend shared a YouTube video with me this morning that literally made my day.  It led me on a wonderful discovery of joyous, enlightening surfing.  Ten Intentions for a Better World is a gem. It is suggested that we speak the intentions aloud daily.  I received this from video creator, Oribel Divine, who has this to say, "This video is based a set of Intentions created by Tony Burroughs called The Code. Each morning I would read it and I feel a sense of exhilaration and pure joy and great harmony after my proclamation to the Universe. I feel that it's in absolute alignment with what we want to accomplish for panet Earth - PEACE! Step aside Ten Commandments. But then again, you have free choice and you have new powers of discernment and intuition to decide for yourself. Enjoy !" Chart of The Code ~ Ten Intentions for a Better World Click to download poster Check out the Beauty of her message writte...

My 2012 Blog ~ 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar

Aloha! I'm announcing my 2012 blog about the Mayan Calendar ~ which addresses the momentous changes we are currently experiencing during this Paradigm Shift. My 2012 Blog : I've been on the Mayan Calendar for 8 years now ~ and the accuracy is mind boggling as a synchronization tool.  I have posted some amazing tools (from a number of sources) to assist everyone in navigating these rapidly changing times. As of March 9, 2011 we entered the 9th, and final wave of the Mayan Calendar (utilizing Carl Calleman's model).  This wave will last until October 28, 2011 ~ the end of the calendar. Be sure to pop on over to the blog , and grab tools to empower yourself.  This is the most exciting time EVER to be alive on our planet!   Click to go to Surf's Up...Let's surf this 9th Wave together in Beauty and Power! Lotsa Love and Gratitude, Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...


There is hope for the future! Hats off to the "Kau 7" for having the vision to dream their future dreams awake.  It all started with an idea to "Pay It Forward" Contest.  I'm involved with a private member organization that turns current and past debt into cash for it's members, and offers a $100,000 Bonus Buddy gift to the recipient of your choice. I decided to run a contest for a $100,000 Bonus Buddy gift ~ and only sent out 100 emails.  To me this was awesome ~ a 1/100 chance of winning $100,000.  To my total surprise I only received 3 entries, with only 1 day to go until the contest deadline. I happened to mention this while a group of teens were hanging out for Spring Break.  They asked if there was any age limit on this $100,000 gift.  It was then that my light bulb went on.  I told them that they were invited to participate…the rules were easy, simply tell me, "What you would do with $100,000 RIGHT NOW?" I could see their excitement. ...

Ready, Set, Grow...Blooming Humans

March 9, 2011 ~ the Journey Begins! Stacey and her team have done it again.  Just as I was thinking about what Sacred Ceremony to create or attend on March 9, 2011 (a vital day in Carl Calleman's Mayan Calendar ~ the beginning of the ninth and final wave), I received an e-vite to attend the latest 42-day event. I have been an avid fan of Go Gratitude since it's inception in 2005.  The Go Gratitude Experiment rocked! Click the link to grab the book on   GO GRATITUDE! To clock in directly to the newly created site and be a part of this next fabulous 42-day wave, click here! Click the image to register for this cool event. Take a peek at the video above to see what Blooming Humans is all about.  This 42-day event promises to be a goody. Let's dream a profound collective dream together. Lotsa Love and Gratitude, Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...