
Showing posts from April, 2010

Another Happy Aloha Friday!

  Happy Aloha Friday... I love this picture showing my blooming orchids!  So many wild things have happened to me since my last post ~ and it feels wonderful to be healing and blooming like my juggled about orchids (which have been moving in pots). I would like to extend my deepest Love and Gratitude to the following Spirit Sisters for providing me the tools to stay afloat: ~ Marie Diamond (for the awesome 2012 series and Easter Meditations), and ~ Stacey Robyn from the World Gratitude Gathering.  Mahalo Nui Loa! On the Mayan Calendar which I follow, today is the beginning of a new 260 day Galactic Spin.  ...A sort of New Year ~ and the symbols of powerful growth and change are present in my life (as evidenced by the blooming orchids, and a yard full of new baby chicks). Here are some words from Skytime about this dynamic day and 13 day wavespell   (Red Magnetic Dragon guided by Birth): "Red Dragon represents the beginning; the primal source; the mo...